About Us

Angry Renter is movement.  We have set out to be a voice for all renters across the U.S. that have been taken advantage of by landlords and real estate investors, in an effort to maximize profits and pad their own pockets, while leaving tenants/renters holding the bag when the dust settles.  During the recession a few years ago, professional home buyers in Texas & real estate investors across the U.S. pocketed thousands of dollars from their tenants, while not paying the underlying mortgage payment, thereby becoming delinquent on their mortgage.

Under normal circumstances, banks would simply foreclose on the underlying mortgage, and take back the assets, but  instead the U.S. government decided to bail out mortgage companies across the U.S., thereby bailing out the investors that were profiting hand over fist from their tenants.  Here at AngryRenter.com, our core aim is to shed light on the travesty that’s occurred.